District Agreement Subcommittee
District Agreement
approved 1991; amended 1999
approved 1991; amended 1999
District Agreement Subcommittee
Michele Giarusso, Chair
Melissa Gerry
Silvia Cummings
Jennifer Coffin
February 2024 update
The document that created the Pioneer Valley Regional School District in 1991 is called the District Agreement.
As the document has not been updated in over 20 years, the District Agreement Subcommittee is drafting revisions that would bring the document into alignment with contemporary needs and regulations.
Any revisions to the District Agreement need to be approved by the residents of our towns (by vote at a town meetings) and the Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
The Subcommittee will be sending a draft revised document to DESE for review in the coming weeks. When DESE has provided feedback, the Subcommittee will send the updated draft to the towns for review and discussion.
Reference documents: Elementary School Leases
The district currently operates three schools: Bernardston Elementary (PreK-6), Northfield Elementary (PreK-6), and Pioneer Valley Regional (7-12).
While the district owns the PVRS building and campus, the district leases both elementary schools from their respective towns, with each school on a 20-year lease.